

One man’s determined quest to find—and frame—pulp art!

The call came on a winter day in 1972. An art dealer wanted to sell Robert Lesser a painting of the Shadow, the 1930s radio-serial crime fighter who famously knew “what evil lurks in the hearts of men.” The painting—showing the black-clad figure clawing a net he’d been captured beneath, a sinister look in his eye—had been made for the cover of the September 1933 pulp magazine The Shadow.

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August 4, 2008

Vivamus non augue lobortis ipsum tincidunt lacinia. Suspendisse nonummy justo eget sapien. Nulla eget ipsum. Integer a orci. Etiam vel augue in elit viverra malesuada. Morbi feugiat est eget elit. Curabitur luctus pretium purus. Aenean mauris. Nullam arcu metus, ultrices eget, suscipit in, egestas eu, sapien. Donec enim nisl, eleifend et, dictum ultrices, sagittis ut, mauris.

Posted by: Test at August 5, 2008 8:24 PM

Here is my comment, just testing it out.

Posted by: Anthony Decanini at August 7, 2008 11:52 PM

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