Discussion: July 2009 Archives

The fighter still remains

Cocaine and crack once consumed Mark Allen, AB’01, but now he battles his demons in the ring.

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Harry Potter and the Ivory Tower

A potter scholar puts J. K. Rowling’s series on a shelf with Stoker, Chaucer, Austen, and other Great Books authors.

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Legacy: A federal judge who did it his way

Hubert Will, AB’35, JD’37, was not altogether pleased when JFK made him a federal judge in 1961.

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C. Vitae: Brand marshal

Jay Rasulo, AM’82, MBA’84, helped Disney’s overseas parks take off.

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Electric-car debate continues

"If General Motors had been able to deliver its promises, it would not be going bankrupt." (Halbert Fischel, SB’59)

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