Frosty the gargoyle

FrostyGargoyle.jpgWhile UChiBLOGo takes a break until January 2, we want to leave our loyal readers with some festive ways to have some online fun.

Read how Chicago-based stone carver and sculptor Walter S. Arnold created the Class of 1999’s Chicago Millennium Gargoyle or watch a movie by James Waters, AB’05, that highlights all of the grotesques, bosses, statues, and ornate decorations—many currently buried in snow—found around campus.

UofC-yeti.jpgDon your hand-knitted U of C scarf and listen to Louis Armstrong read The Night Before Christmas.

Mix up a drink—may we suggest a Phoenix?—and watch Alfred Brendel perform Beethoven’s 200-year-old “Choral Fantasia” at Carnegie Hall.

Remember your favorite Chicago traditions and then start a new one: shaving a Yeti so that he, too, shows some school spirit.


December 22, 2008